Jumat, 20 Januari 2012


Kata kerja yang diikuti oleh subjunctive
advise (that)
ask (that)
command (that)
demand (that)
desire (that)
insist (that)
propose (that)
recommend (that)
request (that)
suggest (that)
urge (that)
Jadi setelah kata-kata kerja di atas, digunakan subjunctive pada dependent clausenya sehingga tidak ada perubahan kata kerja pada dependent clause. Contoh:
- Dr. Adnan asked that Mark submit his proposal before the end of the month.
- Diana requested Frank come to the meeting.
- The teacher insists that her students be on time.
Ungkapan yang diikuti oleh subjunctive
It is best (that)
It is crucial (that)
It is desirable (that)
It is essential (that)
It is imperative (that)
It is important (that)
It is recommended (that)
It is urgent (that)
It is vital (that)
It is a good idea (that)
It is a bad idea (that)
Jadi setelah ungkapan-ungkapan di atas digunakan subjunctive pada dependent clausenya sehingga tidak ada perubahan kata kerja pada dependent clause. Contoh:
- It is crucial that you be there before Jack arrives.
- It is important he attend the meeting.
- It is recommended that she take a gallon of water with him if he wants to hike to the bottom of the Latimojong.
Kita biasanya menggunakan subjunctive WERE ketimbang WAS setelah IF (dan kata serupa lainnya, as if, wish, suppose). Perhatikan kalimat berikut:
- If I were you, I would ask her.
- Suppose she were here. What would you say?
- I wish he were able to type faster.
Bentuk negatif, kontinyu, dan pasif dari Subjunctive
Contoh negatif:
- The boss insisted that Jane not be at the meeting.
- The company asked that employees not accept personal calls during business hours.
Contoh pasif:
- Jacky recommended that Susan be hired immediately.
- Vichelle demanded that you be allowed to take part in the negotiations.
Contoh bentuk progresif:
- It is important that we be standing there when she gets off the plane.
- It is crucial that a vehicle be waiting for the boss when the meeting is over.


Subjunctive dengan Wish

Sebagai subjunctive, kata wish ini dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keinginan atau harapan yang tidak terpenuhi.
S + wish + that* + past tense
S + wish + that* + past perfect tense
* that dapat dihilangkan.
I wish I had a lot of money.
(Real fact : I don’t have much money.)
I wish he could help you.
(Real fact : He can’t help you.)
He wished he had told me the truth.
(Real fact : He didn’t tell me the truth.)
Sasongko wished he hadn’t met any obstacles.
(Real fact : He met some obstacles.)

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Cara Mudah Membuat Teks Review Novel

 Menulis teks review itu mudah. Saya yakin, setelah kamu membaca artikel ini, kamu akan bisa membuat teks review. Dijamin! Ikutilah cara mudah membuat teks review berikut ini:
1.      Tentukan karya sastra apa yang akan diresensi. Misalnya novel.
2.      Carilah sebuah novel yang enak untuk dibaca. Untuk anak muda yang masih sekolah, pilih novel cinta.
3.      Bacalah novel tersebut sampai tuntas.
4.      Bacalah lagi. Kali ini beri tanda kejadian-kejadian penting dalam novel tersebut.
5.      Tuliskan pokok-pokok kejadian tersebut dalam selembar kertas.
6.      Kembangkan kalimat yang sudah kamu tulis hingga menjadi paragraf.
7.      Tuliskan pendapat kamu tentang novel tersebut. Pendapat bebas, tapi usahakan netral. Tuliskan kelebihan dan kelemahan novel tersebut secara berimbang.
Jangan lupa bubuhkan nama pengarang, dan jenis karya sastra yang kamu resensi itu. Bagian ini boleh diletakkan di awal karangan, atau diakhir.

Pengertian Review Text

Pengertian Review Text Apa yang dimaksud dengan Review Text? Review text adalah teks yang mempunyai fungsi sosial untuk melakukan ringkasan, analisa, dan merespon sebuah karya sastra. Karya sastra yang bisa direview antara lain novel, roma, film, dan buku baik fiksi maupun non fiksi. Apa saja bagian-bagian dari Review Text? Review text terdiri dari tiga bagian. Bagian-bagian tersebut adalah context, text description, dan judgement. Context berisi latar belakang literatur seperti nama pengarang, tipe karya sastra, dan sinopsis. Text description berisi kejadian-kejadian penting dalam karya sastra yang di review. Sedangkan judgement merupakan penilaian dari peresensi. Di dalamnya berisi evaluasi, pendapat, dan rekomendasi.

Review Text: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From

This book is great as a way of understanding how our culture trains boys and girls to be different. We teach girls that they can cry when they are sad, talk about their feelings, and share experiences with each other. We teach boys that they need to ´buck up´ and be manly, to hide the tears, to face it like a man, to be the rock on which the females can rely. It is no surprise that these lessons affect adults, and affect how male and females relate (or fail to relate) to each other.

In essence, a few core themes run through the book, being supported by various examples, and different wording that help make the points clear.

First, men are goal-oriented and when they are stressed, “retreat to a cave” to consider what to do. They want to come to a solution on their own. To try to help them while they are in the “cave” is counter productive. 

Men want to be trusted and admired. They want to feel that the woman believes in them. To question a man is to show your doubt. The book recommends if a man is lost while driving, or forgets something while traveling, to just be quiet and accept it. It will show your trust in him to get there eventually or to solve the problem. I’m personally not sure if this is always wise advice.

Women, on the other hand, are nurturing, expressive, feeling individuals who tend to use poetic license such as saying “you ALWAYS forget to do that chore” or “you NEVER listen to me”. The advice given to men is not to react to any of what women say literally. Most of what women want, according to the book, is just to be heard. Women don’t want solutions or answers. They want to feel that their feelings are being heard and understood ... they want to be held and be told “Yes, yes, I understand”. The book explains that men make the mistake of thinking women tell them things in order for the men to fix those things. Instead, the women tell them things in order to share their feelings, but aren’t seeking actual resolutions.

While I agree that women are trained to share feelings and to sometimes be overly emotional, to tell a man that women never want resolutions, and always exaggerate, is not treating a woman as a logical human being perfectly capable of wanting answers.

There is definitely a lot of helpful information in the book. It is good to understand that society trains men to “retreat” to consider problems and those they consider interference during this time as “harassment” instead of “helpful”. It’s good to realize that women have emotional cycles and can sometimes be happy, and sometimes sad, and that nobody is always happy. This book definitely has interesting hints and tips, and interesting stories to share. It also has many generalizations that, for many individuals, simply do not apply.


Review Text: Asterix and Obelix In Mission Cleopatra

The following is an example of review text. This review is arranged after I watch a movie entitled Asterix and Obelix in Mission Cleopatra.

The story is begun at Alexandria, a kingdom in Egypt which has been led by a beautiful queen, Cleopatra. Julius Caesar mocks Cleopatra that her people are weak. He will admit Alexandria existence if she can build a palace for him. Cleopatra grants the request. She says that she can build the palace in 3 months.

To accomplish the mission, Cleopatra calls Edifis, an architect. Edifis has 3 months to build the palace. If he can do it, the queen will let her crocodiles eat him. But, if he can fulfill her demand in time, the queen Cleopatra will cover him with a full of gold. 

Edifis thinks the requirements were too difficult. Then, he gets an idea to find a magic potion. The potion can make someone who drinks it become stronger. 

Edifis begins his journey. He meets Asterix and Obelix on the way. The two men keep Edifis meeting Getamanix, the owner of magic potions. Asterix and Obelix help Edifis to construct the palace. They use the magic potion to make workers become stronger and works harder and quicker.

Then, some obstacles comes. Artifis, the Alexandria architect doesn’t want the palace to be built sooner. He feels jealous with Edifis, because he has wanted the job before. He tries some efforts to destroy the palace. Even he provokes Julius Caesar to help him to destroy the palace. But, all Artifis trials are effortless. Asterix and Obelix can help Edifis to keep the palace complete.

The movie is good and entertaining. There are a lot of beautiful scene such as Nile River, Sphinx, Pyramids, and lovely land around Egypt. This movie is rated for adult only. There are some scenes which are not appropriate to watch like the way the queen dresses herself, queen taking a bath, and the scene which shows Julius Caesar and Cleopatra have sex.

Explanation Text: About How The Water Cycle Works

Solar energy evaporates exposed water from seas, lakes, rivers, and wet soil; the majority of this evaporation takes place over the seas. Water is also released into the atmosphere by the plants through photosynthesis. During this process, known as evapotranspiration, water vapour rises into the atmosphere.

Clouds form when air becomes saturated with water vapour. The two major types of cloud formation are stratified or layered grey clouds called stratus and billowing white or dark grey cloud called cumulus clouds.

Precipitation as rain, or hail ensures that water returns to Earth’s surface in a fresh form. Some of this rain, however, falls into the seas and is not accessible to humans. When rain falls, it either washes down hill slopes or seeps underground; when snow and hail melts, this water may also sink into the ground.

Rain fall also replenishes river water supplies, as does underground water. Snow fall may consolidate into glaciers and ice sheets which, when they melt, release their water into the ground, into stream or into the seas.

This explanation text is taken from Developing English Competencies by Ahmad Doddy et al